
Windows of Heaven

I testify it is true that God can truly open the WINDOWS OF HEAVEN and the blessings that pour upon us are more than can be received. He has sent a congregation of angels to lift and attend us. YOU ARE OUR ANGELS!!

Every angel special and individual uniquely able to give us exactly what we need just at the time we need it. How you have lifted us! How you have healed us! How thankful we are for your love and strength. From the depths of my soul...I say...Thank you, I love you, and may you be filled with the same joy you have so completely filled us with!!

We met with Dr. Harzman yesterday morning and he wanted further testing. Jay underwent more lab work and a CT scan of his abdomen. GREAT NEWS ... Jay just has a small infection and it looks like it will be easy to remedy.

Jay's strength is coming back slowly but surely. He actually started sounding like Jay last night. IT WAS DELIGHTFUL!! Jay boy is almost back!! (Gooo Ute's and hello Eagles)

The earliest that we were going to be able to meet with the oncologist (Dr. Thomas) was going to be May 3 however, Dr. Harzman felt it was very important that we meet with him quicker so he pulled some strings and we now meet with him today (April 21, 2010) @ 5:30 p.m. At the end of this appointment we are hoping to have a better understanding of the cancer, as well as an outline of the plan for fighting it.

Thank you for all of your selfless sacrifices in our behalf...you have truly made a rocky road into a golden path!!

We love you all!!


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